Concierto en Honor Nuestra Señora del Carmen 20 de julio 2024 a las 7:30pm Donación: $10 por persona Para mayor informacion: 214-747-1433 En el Centro Comunitario de la Parroquia de Santa María del Carmen 2900 Vibig Rd Dallas Texas 75212
Los viernes en junio empezando el 7 de junio y cada viernes hasta el 12 de julio a las 6:30pm SOLO EN ESPANOL Este programa de cinco partes, lleva a los participantes por un recorrido emocionante a través de la litúrigia. Explora las raices biblicas de las palabras y los gestos que usamos en la misa y explica su profundo signifiado. Entienda, tal vez por primera vez, porque decimos lo que decimos y hacemos lo que hacemos cada semana en la misa. Las palabras y los gestos serán vistos en una nueva luz, que dára vida nueva a su experiencia litúrgica.
Come join us for a fantastic time filled with drills, games, and lots of fun. We can't wait to see you there!" junio 3-7 de 9-12 7-12 yrs old junio 24-28 de 9-12:45 13-17 yrs
Come join us at the Wild West Art Camp! Dates: June 3-7 Register through our school website or contact the school office @ 903-972-1751 for more details. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to explore your creativity in a fun, environment!
We are delighted to invite you to join us for the Corpus Christi Procession on Sunday, June 2, immediately following the 1:30 PM Mass. This beautiful tradition allows us to publicly express our faith and devotion to the Holy Eucharist. Date: Sunday, June 2 Time: Following the 1:30 PM Mass Location: The procession will begin at the church entrance and proceed through the designated route around the church grounds. The Corpus Christi Procession is a time-honored tradition that celebrates the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. We will carry the Blessed Sacrament through the parish grounds in a solemn procession, accompanied by hymns, prayers, and adoration.
Dr. Carey Ford and Graciela Goulet received the Bishop's Service Award last Saturday, April 20 in the National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe. We are very grateful for their dedication and service to the parish. May the Lord give them a hundredfold.
Another successful Lenten Fish Fry Season is in the books and a tribute to our friend Steve Stoecklein. Thank you to all our parishoners, community and friends that came out to support our council. These funds go to supporting our charitable causes including our KC Easter Egg Hunt after the 9:30AM Mass on Easter Sunday.
Monday, September 18 in All Saints Catholic Church; Tuesday, September 19 in Divine Mercy of Our Lord Catholic Church; Wednesday, September 20 in Church of the Incarnation at University of Dallas
The annual Breakfast with the Bishop is one of the many ways the Archangels support Catholic Charities of Dallas. Join us for a morning of fellowship and inspiration and learn more about how we support this great organization: this year's guest speaker is John T. Stankey, chief executive officer of AT&T.
The Bishop’s Invitational has raised $7.1 million to provide need-based tuition assistance for K-8th grade students attending Catholic Schools in the Dallas area. Join us at the Stonebriar Country Club on Monday, Oct. 30, 2023, for a four-person scramble, competing to win the Bishop’s Cup. With a 1 pm tee-time and two courses, Fazio and Country Club, this year’s tournament is bound to be un-fore-gettable!
This is a 2-day ecumenical conference for Mental Health Professionals, Clergy and Adults on Sept. 13 & 14 at the St. Paul Parish Center in Richardson, TX. Featured speakers Kevin Burke, Sister Patricia Marie, and Dr. Ingrid Skop will discuss the effects of abortion on women and men, and what has happened since the Dobbs decision,
El programa Retrouvaille ayuda a los matrimonios que están atravesando una etapa difícil en su relación a re-descubrirse y ver las cualidades que los atrajo durante su etapa de romance. El programa ofrece las herramientas para conocerse a usted mismo, su conjugue y la relación amorosa en su matrimonio. Se inicia el programa asistiendo a un Fin de Semana (retiro). El próximo fin de semana en español es 1 al 3 de Septiembre, 2023.
All-Saints Career Ministry will be hosting a comprehensive, faith-based job search workshop on Aug. 26, 9 am – 4 pm, at All Saints Catholic Church, featuring presenters from St. Jude Career Alliance. The $25 registration fee includes a copy of The Champion Way: Land Your Dream Job in 4 to 8 Weeks, the career development guide on which this job search workshop is based, plus lunch, drinks & snacks.