Due to inclement weather, the parish office and school will open at 10 a.m. on Friday, January 10. The school mass has been canceled.
Debido al mal tiempo, la oficina parroquial y la escuela abrirán a las 10 a. m. el viernes 10 de enero. La misa escolar ha sido cancelada.
Ven a conocer el mensaje de Dios a travs de nuestro cuerpo!
Come and learn about the message of God through our body!
Place/lugar: Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Time/horario: 9-12pm
Español: en el gimnacio de la escuela
English: in the Pavilion
Free/totalmente gratis
Free Daycare/ guardería disponible
St. John’s Church is seeking a part-time Parish Administrator. The candidate must have office experience and be able to work well with the public. Proficiency in Word and Excel and social media programs is required. Must have exceptional time management and organizational skills. We would prefer a person who is familiar with liturgical worship services. Hiring immediately. Training provided as needed. Please submit your resume or direct inquiries to [email protected] ℅ Senior Warden.
If you purchased a Christmas Intentions Ornaments from Catholic Daughters, please stop by the table outside to pick up your ornament to take home on January 4th & 5th. Catholic Daughters thanks the parish for supporting this fundraiser. Proceeds will benefit our Catholic school, needs of our parish, and our local community.
Si compró un adorno de intenciones navideñas de hijas católicas , pase por la mesa afuera para recoger su adorno para llevarlo a casa el dia 4 y 5 de enero. Las Hijas Católicas agradecen a la parroquia por apoyar esta recaudación de fondos. Las ganancias beneficiarán a nuestra escuela católica, a las necesidades de nuestra parroquia y a nuestra comunidad local.
Knights of Columbus Council 5211 will
be cooking the annual Turkey Fry on
Thanksgiving Day, November 28th.
Frying will be from 7-11 AM, behind
the parish office. Please bring your tur
key that morning fully defrosted, sea
soned to your taste, and on a tray.
Note: Turkeys need to be between 13
and 15 pounds! Any larger and the legs
will be removed to fit the fryer.
The cost is $25 and the proceeds sup
port the knight of Columbus Charities.
Caballeros de Colon cocinara el pavo frito
annual el Dia de Acción de Gracias. La fritura
será de 7 a 11 am, detrás de la oficina
Traiga su pavo esa mañana completamente
descongelado, sazonado a su gusto y en una
bandeja. Tenga en cuata que los pavos
deben pesar entre 13 y 15 libras, si es mas
granden Habrá que cortar las patas para que
quepan en la freidora,
El costo es de $25 y las ganancias apoyan a
las organizaciones benéficas de los caballe
ros de colón.
The Healing after Abortion Ministry celebrates 25 years of offering Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats for women and men and 10 years of offering Project Joseph retreats for men!
Bishop Kelly is the celebrant for a Mass in which we will celebrate God’s gift of healing in this ministry November 16, 2024 @ 7pm
October 31 5:30-6:30pm All are invited!! to Saints&Sweets Free Parish Event children are encouraged to dress up as their favorite saint or angel. (no scary costumes please)
el 30 de octubre 5:30-6:30pm Todos estan Invitados!!!! Santos y dulces Este evento es GRATIS!!!!! se les invita vestir a los niños de su santo o angel favorito. (no disfraces de miedo por favor).
You're Invited: "Surge of the Heart" with Jon Leonetti
Join us for a powerful evening with Jon Leonetti, a nationally recognized Catholic speaker and author, as he shares a message of lasting fulfillment in Jesus Christ.
Date: Oct 27 & Oct 28
Location: Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
⏰ Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Cost: FREE!
This is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your faith and connect with our community. Don’t miss out—invite your family and friends!
Mi paz les dejo mi paz les doy
Totalmente gratis!
En el pabellón San Antonio
Iglesia Católica Inmaculada Concepcepción
sabado octubre 19, 2024 de 8 am- 6:30 pm.
Ministry Fair
Our Parish will host a Ministry Fair on September 28 and 29. We will have booths outside after every mass. It’ll be a fun event!!
We made it into a game: Each family gets a passport. Visit different ministries and they will stamp your passport. Complete it for a drawing to win a 58” smart TV and more prizes.
This is a great opportunity to meet new people and learn about all the ministries here at Immaculate Conception.
October 4,2024 @ 6 pm During the Blessing of the Animals, pets and other animals are blessed with holy water and verbal blessings. Some say the ceremony is a way to thank God for the joy that pets bring, and to marvel at the beauty of God's creation
James L. Collins Catholic School will host their kickoff for their Annual Campaign next weekend. The purpose is to ensure that we can continue providing a Catholic education to students in a faith-filled environment. With generous donations towards the Annual Campaign and disbursements from the James L. Collins Trust Fund, tuition is kept at a reasonable rate and allows the opportunity for more families to choose a Catholic education for their children. Tuition and fees provide approximately 40% of the school’s operating expenses while the Trust covers 30% of the school’s operating expenses. We work to cover the remaining 30% through donations and fundraisers, including the GAP Campaign. Students will be at all Masses next weekend to talk about the importance of supporting our school and ask for your support. You can also give online at https://factsmgtadmin.com/give/appeal/ODq358xKA
No gift is too large or too small!
Greetings! We are actively taking registrations for Project Joseph/English and Proyecto José/Spanish healing retreats for men who have been affected by a loss due to an abortion decision. If you are able to include this information in any way in your publications, social media, or flock notes, we would be most grateful.
We will have "Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia recitada." Monday to Friday at 3:00 pm,
Tendremos "Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia recitada." de lunes a viernes a las 3:00 pm.
Come join us on the 4th of July starting at 7:30 pm to have a time of fellowship with other parishioners and stay to watch the city fireworks. We will have a few food booths. Please come in through the school entrance and park in the school area parking lot. Thank you.
Únase a nosotros el 4 de julio a partir de las 7:30 de la noche para tener un tiempo de compañerismo con otros feligreses y quedarse a ver los fuegos artificiales de la ciudad. Tendremos algunos puestos de comida. Por favor entre por la entrada de la escuela y estacionarse en el estacionamiento del área de la escuela. Gracias
Concierto en Honor Nuestra Señora del Carmen 20 de julio 2024 a las 7:30pm Donación: $10 por persona Para mayor informacion: 214-747-1433 En el Centro Comunitario de la Parroquia de Santa María del Carmen 2900 Vibig Rd Dallas Texas 75212