Saying that retired Pope Benedict XVI was “very sick,” Pope Francis asked people to offer special prayers for him. “I would like to ask all of you for a special prayer for emeritus Pope Benedict,” Pope Francis said at the end of his weekly general audience Dec. 28. The 95-year-old retired pope “is sustaining the church in silence,” Pope Francis said. “Remember him. He is very sick. Ask the Lord to console him and sustain him in his witness of love for the church until the very end,” Pope Francis said.
Workshop on Jan 28 - English in the Holy Famiy Hall and Spanish in the Pavillion. Attendees will develop a basic understanding of ministry, sacraments, and what the Church says about serving as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. Those who stay for the afternoon session will walk through the Church’s ritual for serving as a Communion minister for those who are homebound, in a hospital, or a care center.
This exciting weekend of prayer, community, and worship gathers high school teens from throughout the Catholic Diocese of Dallas and beyond. Teens are invited to deepen their relationship with Jesus through powerful speakers, high-energy praise and worship music, vibrant liturgies, recreation, Reconciliation, and Adoration.
Young adults ages 18+ are invited to pray online together with SSND and other young adults from across the U.S. and Canada during the fifth night of our annual nine-day candlelight Christmas Novena in preparation for the birth of Christ. The novena is beautifully sung/chanted by the sisters.
Lord, bless all volunteers, who go out to encounter the flesh of Christ, to touch it, to care for it, to be close to it. And have mercy on the many who, in the face of all this poverty, simply turn their backs and who hear in their hearts a voice which says: “This does not affect me, this is not important to me”. Help all volunteers, and give them strength, making them humble. Keep them close to the merciful heart of Jesus. Amen.