Knights of Columbus Council 5211 will
be cooking the annual Turkey Fry on
Thanksgiving Day, November 28th.
Frying will be from 7-11 AM, behind
the parish office. Please bring your tur
key that morning fully defrosted, sea
soned to your taste, and on a tray.
Note: Turkeys need to be between 13
and 15 pounds! Any larger and the legs
will be removed to fit the fryer.
The cost is $25 and the proceeds sup
port the knight of Columbus Charities.
Caballeros de Colon cocinara el pavo frito
annual el Dia de Acción de Gracias. La fritura
será de 7 a 11 am, detrás de la oficina
Traiga su pavo esa mañana completamente
descongelado, sazonado a su gusto y en una
bandeja. Tenga en cuata que los pavos
deben pesar entre 13 y 15 libras, si es mas
granden Habrá que cortar las patas para que
quepan en la freidora,
El costo es de $25 y las ganancias apoyan a
las organizaciones benéficas de los caballe
ros de colón.
The Healing after Abortion Ministry celebrates 25 years of offering Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats for women and men and 10 years of offering Project Joseph retreats for men!
Bishop Kelly is the celebrant for a Mass in which we will celebrate God’s gift of healing in this ministry November 16, 2024 @ 7pm