James L. Collins Catholic School will host their kickoff for their Annual Campaign next weekend. The purpose is to ensure that we can continue providing a Catholic education to students in a faith-filled environment. With generous donations towards the Annual Campaign and disbursements from the James L. Collins Trust Fund, tuition is kept at a reasonable rate and allows the opportunity for more families to choose a Catholic education for their children. Tuition and fees provide approximately 40% of the school’s operating expenses while the Trust covers 30% of the school’s operating expenses. We work to cover the remaining 30% through donations and fundraisers, including the GAP Campaign. Students will be at all Masses next weekend to talk about the importance of supporting our school and ask for your support. You can also give online at https://factsmgtadmin.com/give/appeal/ODq358xKA
No gift is too large or too small!
Greetings! We are actively taking registrations for Project Joseph/English and Proyecto José/Spanish healing retreats for men who have been affected by a loss due to an abortion decision. If you are able to include this information in any way in your publications, social media, or flock notes, we would be most grateful.
We will have "Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia recitada." Monday to Friday at 3:00 pm,
Tendremos "Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia recitada." de lunes a viernes a las 3:00 pm.